SilvaPlex Wound Spray is a patented Chelated Silver veterinary wound care product. The antimicrobial wound spray is painless when applied. SilvaPlex can be used on cuts, burns, abrasions, bacterial infections, superficial wounds, dermatitis, and skin rashes, scratches, or rain rot. Chitosan has been added, which inhibits fibroblasts (scar tissue) from forming and acts as a magnet to keep the beneficial silver on the wound.
SilvaPlex is 100% natural and non-toxic and testing has shown to kill over 600 disease-causing organisms. Silver has shown to relieve pain and itching while reducing inflammation.
The presence of silver near a virus, fungus, bacteria, or other single pathogens disables its oxygen metabolism enzyme and within 4-6 minutes, the pathogen suffocates and dies. Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, which also destroy beneficial enzymes, SilvaPlex leaves these tissue-cell enzymes intact. Chelated silver has proven to be a remedy and prevention to many infections and the fermentation of various bacteria.