The kit includes the following three products. As you will see each has a specific role in supporting the EPM horse.
Body Balance Wellness Formula – Supports the immune system and attach and bind to the surface lectins of pathogenic viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and toxins, therefore rendering them incapable of colonization and reproduction. They are then rafted out of the body.
Body Balance Immune Builder – Our Immune Builder is a synergistic blend of herbs mixed with honey which play a critical role in an EPM horse. First is has a strong anti-viral that helps in clearing the virus. Second it has a strong anti-inflammatory that alleviate symptoms and prevent reactions to parasite die-off during treatment. Third it supports the kidneys and liver.
Body Balance Basic E – Was developed to provide a highly bioavailable source of natural vitamin E for your horse. Vitamin E cannot be synthesized by the horse; therefore, it is considered an essential nutrient. For the EPM horse it is recommended to aid healing of nerve tissue.
These products are available individually or as a complete kit.