Heath Alert – EHV 1

We continue to receive outbreak notifications across multiple states of EHV-1 daily.  We wanted to help our clients safeguard your horses from being affected. The popular opinion is if my horse is vaccinated, they are safe, right? Unfortunately, no. While there are several vaccines available that protect against respiratory disease and abortion, none are labeled for protection against the neurologic form, and there is no evidence for such protection.

EHV1 Defined – EHV-1 contagious and spread by direct horse-to-horse contact via the respiratory tract through nasal secretions. It is important to know that this virus can also be spread indirectly through contact with physical objects that are contaminated with the virus — contaminated trailers used for transporting horses.

Signs & Symptoms – The signs the occur with EHV-1 and the EHM strain include things such as decreased coordination, urine dribbling, fever, hind limb weakness, leaning against things to maintain balance, lethargy and the inability to get off the ground.

Traditional Treatment – Treatment is primarily supportive. This includes anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant drugs, and intravenous fluids if the horse has trouble drinking. Nursing care is also extremely important if the horse is unable to rise.

Balanced Eco Solutions EHV Protocol – Our protocol supports the EHV horse in multiple ways. First by building the immune system to clear the virus. Second support the respiratory system. Third, as an anti-inflammatory to deal with the viral side effects. We do this via the three products below.

body balance immune builder
Immune Builder
Wellness Formula
Respiratory Formula

Soaking Vs Steaming Hay to Reduce NSC

If you have a horse that suffers from Insulin Resistance, Equine Metabolic Syndrome, PSSM or Cushing’s you are always struggling to reduce the NSC levels in their hay. Some owners soak the hay to reduce the sugar levels and airborne respirable dust which naturally occur in the hay.  With steaming units becoming more popular it begs the question which method is better to steam or soak?

Soaking the hay in water does reduce the sugar levels, but there are a few issues that need to be addressed. First, if you soak you hay for longer than 2 hours (some will let hay soak all night to reduce feed prep) bacterial growth starts to be a problem. Secondly, soaking causes significant mineral loss, which if left unchecked can cause additional issues.  If you have been soaking hay for a while, I would recommend doing an Equine Hair & Mineral Analysis. This is a comprehensive analysis of 15 nutritional elements, 8 toxic metals, 7 significant mineral ratios. From the data, you can pinpoint any mineral imbalance and correct it by creating a custom supplement. Finally, it reduces the amount of dry matter, leaving your horse with less digestible fiber. Another problem with feeding soaked hay is it is not palatable, and horses will refuse to eat it.

Steaming hay does reduce the NSC levels. But it has the added benefit of maintaining the minerals. In fact, since steaming opens up the fiber matrix of hay, the bioavailability of these minerals is likely enhanced.  The only mineral that decreased in concentration through steaming was iron, which is a good thing because iron increases insulin resistance.

Finally, we are a proponent of providing metabolic horses a  free-choice feed environment instead of a dry paddock. Steaming provides a free-choice to your overweight horse to allow for self-regulation and ultimate weight loss.

Vaccines When & When Not To Give Them

Why Equine Hair Analysis

Why Hair Analysis?

Are you concerned about your horse’s performance level? Have you tried multiple supplement programs but have seen little or no changes? Do you want to take the guesswork out of your horse’s nutritional program? These are all good reasons to have a hair analysis done.

What is hair analysis and how is it done? By collecting a small quantity of mane hair and sending it to a certified lab can provide volumes of information. Among the many advantages of a hair-mineral analysis is its accuracy in revealing the tissue levels of minerals in the horse over a two – three month period. A word of caution regarding labs, make sure the lab you work with is certified to test equine samples. Some naysayers will say you you’re looking at old information but in actuality it gives accurate information on minerals and nutritional deficiencies. It takes into consideration that toxins are stored in the tissues of the body, not in the blood. For instance, you can have normal copper levels in the blood, but high copper levels in the tissues. Hair analysis can help check enzyme and endocrine function, stress response and recovery, inflammatory tendencies and nutritional deficiencies and imbalances. The report provide a base line of your horse’s health and enables you to make informed decisions on your current feeding program.

Balanced Eco Solutions offers equine hair analysis from the only certified lab in the USA. The report is reviewed by our in-house veterinarian and provides a summary of the findings. Our equine nutritionist also reviews the report and works with our veterinarian to create a custom supplement program for your horse.

Benefits of Hair Analysis

1. Checks minerals and nutritional deficiencies
2. Check enzyme and endocrine function
3. Stress response and recovery
4. Baseline for supplement program

How Tell If Your Supplement Program is Working

You can go down any isle in a tack or feed store and see supplements from floor to ceiling. All making magical promises from giving your horse better hoofs to increasing performance. In the world of supplements it’s not a one size fits all proposition. As our horse’s health care advocate we need to ask some questions. How can we find out what MY HORSE REALLY needs? What is best for your specific horse?

There are several ways to find out what your horse really needs for minerals and other supplements. The first we will discuss is Hair Analysis. Yes by collecting a small quantity of mane hair and sending it to a certified lab can provide volumes of information. Among the many advantages of a hair-mineral analysis is its accuracy in revealing the tissue levels of minerals in the horse. A word of caution regarding labs, make sure the lab you work with is certified to test equine samples. Currently there are labs in the USA, UK and Australia that are certified to process equine hair samples. It is best to have your vet review the report with you. Balanced Eco Solutions offers testing from a certified lab and our in-house vet reviews your report and creates a custom supplement program for each horse. Some naysayers will say you you’re looking at old information but in actuality it gives accurate information on minerals like selenium which is an important component to equine health.

Another way to determine what your horse needs is by doing a forage test. This will give you a current view of what his current diet is lacking. Hay and forage producers conduct their own forage testing so it should be easy to get a copy. Balanced Eco Solution prefers hair analysis because you can create a baseline history and make better decisions on diet or supplement changes. Forage testing results will fluxuate from producer to producer and even field to field.

What is best for your horse really depends on your riding. Is the horse in heavy training, competing, and traveling to different shows or competitions? Or are you a competitive trail rider that rides the weekends? In either case, starting with an overall “Wellness” supplement that offers probiotics and immune support to assist in dealing the stress of working would be the best start. We would also suggest a Selenium and Vitamin E supplement that supports the immune and muscular systems. Anti-oxidants such as selenium and vitamin E are your horse’s first line of defense against cellular damage from free radicals and essential for the proper functioning of the immune and muscular systems. The selenium in your horse’s diet can come from multiple sources such as pasture, hay, grain, or commercial feeds and supplements. The selenium content of hay and cereal grains depends on the selenium content of the soil in which they were grown. If you are an eventer or hunter jumper we would suggest a joint supplement as well. It is far better to support and maintain joints and cartilage over time to helping them to remain healthy than trying to repair the damage once it has been done.

When selecting supplements it is important to read all the ingredients not just the top 3-4. The reason is something called “fillers” or “binders” these are ingredients are the “glue” which bind and stabilize a supplement. Historically they have been considered inert and without any medicinal benefit however they do influence the benefits of the intended ingredients. These fillers and binders can affect the absorption rate and benefit of the supplement by as much as 65%.

Balanced Eco Solutions has been working with a team of holistic veterinarians and equine nutritionists to create a series of natural supplements. The Body Balance Fundamentals supplements are free of fillers and binders and contain natural and organic ingredients. All of these supplements are produced when you order them to guarantee the freshest products for your horse.

Immune Builder – Developed as part of our Equine Sarcoid Treatment Protocol for its antiviral properties, Immune Builder has ingredients with anti-inflammatory properties, kidney and liver support, functions as a system detoxifier and has been beneficial as in the treatment of Founder.

Wellness Formula – A unique blend of nutraceuticals that to strengthen natural metabolic functions. Wellness Formula utilizes probiotics to support the immune system against viruses and toxins that may occur due to stress of training or travel.

Selenium+E – A safe and effective mineral supplement that supports the immune and muscular systems. Our formulation developed by our in-house equine nutritionist uses all natural / organic ingredients like selenium-enriched yeast chelated and vitamin E.   It has been proven in research that not only is a higher percentage of the organic form of selenium (selenium-enriched yeast) absorbed than the inorganic form sodium selenite, but selenium-enriched yeast is more effectively stored and utilized within the selenium-dependent processes in the body.

Respiratory – A synergistic herbal blend mixed with pure honey that promotes a healthy respiratory system. It will assist the body in clearing upper respiratory congestion and boost the immune system by creating an inhospitable environment for viruses.

Finally we need to address the growing problem of over supplementing. The attitude that “more is better” is not the case when it comes to supplements. Equine nutrition is a delicate balance. Too much of one mineral can rob the body of others creating even bigger issues. An effective program should start with a hair analysis which will create a baseline of your horse’s health. Once the baseline is available you then have the tools for a supplement program that will bring the most benefit to your horse.

body balance immune builder

Traditional veterinary medicine doesn’t work so well on certain things — like weird immune problems.

Weird Immune Problems

Here are some immune system issues that I think are weird:

  1. Mud Fever where there’s no mud
  2. Scratches that you can NEVER get rid of completely
  3. Chronic (read: years!) of loose stool
  4. Rain rot where there’s no rain
  5. Fly Allergies
  6. Very itchy horses

All of the above involve the immune system. And traditional vet med tends to hand you some form of topical cleaner and/or steroids.  These can help, but are unfortunately only a temporary band-aid.

What’s really happening is:

Either the immune system is depressed and can’t get rid of the fungus (rain rot, mud fever, scratches) OR the immune system is hyperactive (allergies, itching).

Sometimes vets get caught up in trying to fix the symptoms without looking for a primary cause. In weird cases, the immune system is definitely involved and should be addressed.

What can you do yourself? 30 days of an immune supporting supplement is always a good, and safe, choice to start with.

Does Toothpaste Work in Treating Sarcoids?

If you Google “Equine Sarcoids” you will find lots of comments and online chats sessions recommending toothpaste as the cure for your horse’s sarcoid.  Many people think it’s the fluoride and suggest using the strongest formula for best results.  At best, folks that have tried this method have gotten mix results. A few questions come to mind – What really is the active ingredient and is it a valid alternative for treating equine sarcoids?

To answer the question of active ingredient – Sanguinaria Canadensis also known as bloodroot is the ingredient  having an effect on the sarcoid. Sanguinaria Canadensis is included in toothpaste and dental hygiene products as an antibacterial or anti-plaque agent. Bloodroot is also the major component of Xxterra and Aldera that is widely prescribed by veterinarians for sarcoids.

Is it a valid alternative treatment for equine sarcoids? No, toothpaste has an effect on the sarcoid but due to the small percentage bloodroot it cannot completely treat the sarcoid. What people continue to overlook is the fact that sarcoids, warts and  Aural Plagues are all caused by different strains of the Papilloma virus. Without treating the virus all of these health issues have an 80% re-occurrence rate.

Our program at Balanced Eco Solutions treats both the sarcoid and the Papilloma virus. Our success rate of 85%-90% and zero re-occurrence rate speaks for itself. The program includes Sarcoid Cleansing Salve and our Body Balance Immune Builder.

Sarcoid Salve works at the surface level clearing the sarcoid and repairing the underlying skin layer that has been affected by the sarcoid and promotes hair growth back into the affected area. The salve is highly effective for two reasons – It clears the sarcoid and the virus. Secondly because it is not a bloodroot based product it does not burn or cause your horse any discomfort. This means it can be applied on the face, eyes and other sensitive areas that would not be appropriate for Xxterra or other blood root remedies. No or minimal scaring and no change in hair pigmentation are key factors for show and performance horses suffering from sarcoids.

The Immune Builder is specifically formulated to cleanse the virus from the bloodstream. It can be used by itself or in combination with the salve. Our field trials showed faster results when combined with the salve.

We get calls every week from people who have tried the “Toothpaste” treatment and have been unhappy with the results. These same folks call us after they have started our program and have seen steady improvement in their horses.

Balanced Eco Solutions has five years of experience in the treatment of equine sarcoids. We work with clients and veterinarians’ around the world. What we have seen lately is that sarcoids are becoming more aggressive in growth and number as well as appearing in difficult areas to treat like the eye. If you think you are dealing with a sarcoid start treatment as soon as possible. Balanced Eco Solutions is always available to answer questions on traditional therapy vrs holistic remedies.

Balanced Eco Solutions New Website

As we have mentioned earlier this month we are in the process of updating our site. During this interim period you may experience difficulties in placing orders through our current site. If you are having issues placing orders we have setup an email address that allows you to place your order. Simply email your order to orders@balancedecosolutions.com. We will send an electronic invoice that can be paid directly from PayPal as you normally do.

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